
about pca professional™ treatments

PCA Professional™ peels are a perfect balance between the traditional aggressive straight acid peels and a facial treatment. PCA peels produce dramatic results treating varied skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, hyper-pigmentation, rosacea, fine lines and wrinkles without the discomfort and downtime associated with traditional straight acid harsh peels. The naturally occurring alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), retinol (Vita A) and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) found in PCA SKIN Professional™ Products loosen dead cells from the skin’s surface revealing new healthy cells – providing smooth, radiant and glowing skin!

The PCA peel


Our PCA Professional™ Custom Peels are specially formulated by one of our PCA certified estheticians to treat your particular skin type with nourishing ingredients that brighten, soften and hydrate the skin’s surface, while TCA, lactic and salicylic acids join together to gently produce dramatic changes in your skin’s texture. Cleanse, pca chemical peel.

*use of pca cleanser, moisturizer and SPF is mandatory for best results for 5 days following treatment

The PCA plus


Our PCA Professional™ Custom Peels are specially formulated by one of our PCA certified estheticians to treat your particular skin type with nourishing ingredients that brighten, soften and hydrate the skin’s surface, while TCA, lactic and salicylic acids join together to gently produce dramatic changes in your skin’s texture. Cleanse, pca chemical peel, plus a massage.

*use of pca cleanser, moisturizer and SPF is mandatory for best results for 5 days following treatment